Our Approach

You are here because you know there is work to do to bring inclusion to your workplace or community. But you’re not sure how to do it in an authentic, personalized way. You’re willing to show up and do the work, but need some guidance.

We are here for you.

Our workshops on diversity, equity, and inclusion strive to meet every person where they are in their understanding of bias. This work isn’t about shame or blame. It’s about empowering people to work against bias, and starts within each one of us. Let us help you equip your team with knowledge and tools they need to feel confident. We’re here to listen with intention and compassion.

It’s time to do better. Let’s start by working together. 

Learn more about our Story and Core Values.

The key to success is YOU.

Our Offerings

Before we were Calico, we were The Unconscious Bias Project. Helping your team identify, understand, and address the basics of workplace belonging is in our roots.

Interested in booking a multi-part strategy? Check out our special offer below. Have questions? Feel free to check out our FAQs or send us a message.

Unconscious Bias Workshop led by Calico Culture Strategies Expert

Unconscious Bias 101 Keynote

  • Our presentations are a great introduction to bias and unconscious bias. We’ll guide you through the basics and teach you an evidence-based trick or two so that everyone on your team can start making a difference in their work and life. Perfect for large groups up to 100.

  • TIMING: 1 hour
    SIZE: Best for large groupsItem description

Unconscious Bias Labs

  • Our flagship workshops are tailored to your unique workplace and learning space cultures and experience. We survey participants and engage in open conversation to create the best experience for individuals while targeting group and organizational goals. 

    What you’ll get:

    • Practice with real life experiences

    • Expert co-facilitation

    • Report of findings and recommendations 

    • Tailored, customizable workbooks

    • Dynamic group & individual activities

  • TIMING: 1 or 3-part, 2-hour workshops
    SIZE: 6-30 attendees

1:1 Unconscious Bias Consultation

  • Not sure how to respond to a coworker? Want some help figuring out how to be a better ally? 

    Have a question about how to bring something up to your family? 

    Bring us your questions and problems and get the benefit of two heads working on your problem to help you find practical paths forward that make sense for your specific situation.

  • Struggling to write your inclusivity statement? Roadblocked on your inclusivity survey? Need some feedback on your DEI strategy? Not sure how to lead during your new Equity Initiatives?

    We’ll help you tackle your questions and projects big and small keeping your organizational goals and impact in mind so you have more bandwidth to engage in your work.

“Calico opened the door for us to talk about how we move forward as a community, how we talk to each other, how we relate. It set the tone for moving forward.”

— Calico Workshop Participant

Comprehensive Programming packages

The following service offerings entail a longer engagement period that may be comprised of multiple workshop or advisory sessions over several weeks or months.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Climate Surveys

Anonymized Employee Feedback

Learn how your employees feel about your organizations’ climate; the types of experiences they are having with bias and discrimination; their views on your organization’s equity; and their reactions to organizational initiatives. We protect the employee with complete anonymity and secure data processing by a third party (us!) - which helps you get their full, honest opinions. At the end, we’ll give you granular information about any points of friction happening, with whom, and when, along with further recommendations.

What you’ll get:

  • In-depth Survey + Qualitative Interviews

  • Company Climate Report

  • Research-Based Recommendations

TIMING: 8 weeks
SIZE: 50-5000 employees

A Truly Customizable Program

One size doesn’t fit all. Tell us about your interests, strategic goals, and dreams and we will design a program that fits, together. Collaborate with our diverse team of experts to craft a series of large and small group programs to engage your teammates with materials that fit multiple learning styles. Go beyond surface discussions and develop sustainable change that you can measure.


  • Design your IDEA Strategy (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Accountability)

  • Policy Brainstorm

  • Customized Workshop Topics (i.e What is whiteness & anti-racism?)

  • Power Dynamics Workshops

  • Programs for Leaders and Executive Teams

TIMING + SIZE: Your imagination guides!

Unconscious Bias Deep Dive

“Leading with compassion and trust”

Challenges and Opportunities for Leadership:

Whether you’re general staff, managers, or senior leadership, power dynamics add extra layers of difficulty to already sensitive interactions. These workshops help leaders to identify pitfalls of authority, learn to repair relationships and inspire trust, and to build a top-down commitment to inclusion.

What you’ll get:

  • Practice with real-life experiences

  • Expert co-facilitation

  • Report of findings

  • Post-program tailored recommendations 

  • Custom workbooks

  • Dynamic group & individual activities

TIMING: 3-part, 2-hour workshops
SIZE: 30+ leaders

Leadership Lab 3-part Series

“Navigating and Addressing Power Dynamics”

Empowering Employees and Building Trust

For general staff, addressing bias and trust within power dynamics adds extra layers of difficulty to already sensitive interactions. These workshops help staff learn how to collaborate with each other and nurture relationships across managerial levels to help constructively improve the welcoming atmosphere of your organization.

What you’ll get:

  • Practice with real-life experience scenarios

  • Expert co-facilitation

  • Report of findings

  • Post-program tailored recommendations

  • Custom workbooks

  • Dynamic group & individual activities

TIMING: 3-part, 2-hour workshops
SIZE: 30+ staff

Power Dynamics 3-part Series


Planning for Long-term Success

Effectively meeting long-term DEI strategic goals requires strategic planning in a way that thoughtfully considers organizational goals, measurable success, and team capacity. We’ll help you navigate the path to fully examine, improve, and build structures to meet DEI goals that support your mission through development of a DEI Strategic Plan. 

What you’ll get:

  • Surveys and focus groups

  • Research and best practices

  • Expert-facilitated collaborative work sessions

  • Multiple drafts of your Strategic Plan

  • Feedback forums 

  • A finalized Strategic Plan

TIMING: 6 Months
SIZE: 4-8 Members of Planning Committee; Leadership & Staff Forums

DEI Strategic Planning Support

Creating Buy-in for Successful Rollouts

Realigning aspects of your organization to better meet your mission and cultural goals can be difficult. Change comes with resistance and countering that resistance isn’t easy. We’ll guide you so you can meet your goals confidently. Change labs generate buy-in across all levels of your organization, create safer spaces for staff and leadership to collaborate, and help leaders anticipate and address resistance. Changes labs will help leaders encourage teams to support each other in problem-solving, accountability, and investment in mission and culture goals. 

What you’ll get:

  • Change management best practices for all levels of staff

  • Strategic problem-solving tools and practice

  • Expert co-facilitation

  • Dynamic large and small workgroup sessions

  • Playbook for how the organization will anticipate and address resistance to change

TIMING: 3-part, 1.5-hour workshops
SIZE: 30+ staff

CHange management Labs

Moving from Minimum to Vision

Traditional, unexamined policies can impede or undermine a positive organizational culture. Good policies can guide people’s behavior and support team members in making the right decisions and improving inclusion and equity. Our Policy Development Labs help teams develop equitable, inclusive policy and equip organizations to strategically create and tackle policy development goals. Inside the labs, you’ll have a dedicated opportunity to collaboratively craft and revise cultural policy with the help of expert guidance.

What you’ll get:

  • Practice with real-life experiences

  • Expert co-facilitation

  • Custom workbooks

  • Working sessions for concrete deliverables

  • Dynamic group & individual activities

TIMING: 2-part, 2-hour workshops
SIZE: 30 staff

Policy development labs

Our Roadmap

5 Stages for Success

Stage 1

  • Organizations in need of an in depth assessment may:

    • Be interested in connecting their mission to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI)

    • Have some ideas for programs, but aren't sure where to start

    • Be concerned there are some unknown problems with DEI at the company

    • Have heard of or witnessed internal microaggressions and wondering what else they’re missing

    • Have partial leadership buy-in to do DEI work

    • Have limited organizational buy-in to do DEI work

  • After working with us on a UBP Climate Survey, organizations will have:

    • Identified areas of growth & areas of concern

    • Recommendations from UBP & from staff on where to move forward

    • Deep cross-sectional analysis of where the organization is in terms of equity and inclusion.

    • Organizational buy-in to move forward with a program to address areas of growth

We recommend…

Stage 2

  • Organizations which are ready to get into the work and to learn tried and tested tools for bias reduction and intervention may have:

    • Hesitation to engage in talking about topics like racism, sexism, and ableism - despite interest in addressing them.

    • Leaders concerned they will say the wrong thing.

    • External-facing commitments to DEI like donations to BLM, but aren’t sure how to do the same internally.

    • Leaders who making public statements about DEI but are unclear how to practice these values beyond interviewing best practices.

  • After these programs, organizations will:

    • Have shared language on bias and unconscious bias

    • Recognize each other as allies

    • Find leadership and staff feel more confident in being active allies for one another

    • Identify areas where DEI work can support the mission and wellbeing of all

    • Seek further learning and action as individuals and as an organization

    • Have leadership empowered to leverage their position to improve internal and external relationships and policies

    • Interest in engaging in DEI work across the board

We recommend…

Stage 3

  • Organizations committed to organizational change which may:

    • Feel overwhelmed by the number of actions that can be taken to make a more equitable workplace

    • Be unclear on how to prioritize programs and actions to improve the workplace

    • Not have dedicated leadership for DEI programming or workforce to carry it out

    • Have passion for DEI work, yet feel as if is in competition with reaching business/mission goals

    • Perceive conflict in prioritization

  • After these programs, organizations will:

    • Have a clear multi-year action plan on DEI

    • Be able to integrate DEI goals into business/mission goals

    • Have set achievable and measurable goals developed for DEI

    • Have defined leadership for program implementation

    • Have buy-in at all levels of the organization

    • Establish constant no-blame communication and problem solving to tackle any setbacks and celebrate successes

We recommend…

Stage 4

  • Organizations committed to organizational change may have a DEI program and have:

    • No strategic analysis of DEI plan for implementation

    • Not yet identified resources required to undertake the DEI plan

    • Not identified or addressed possible roadblocks and pitfalls

  • After these programs, organizations will:

    • Have completed a strategic analysis of DEI plan enables goal leaders to call on teams

    • Have undertaken group-based problem solving to identify and counter potential pitfalls

    • Have created spaces for organizational discussion and alliances to be formed

We recommend…

Stage 5

  • Organizations that have long term DEI goals, but no short term programs or short-term goals. These organizations may:

    • Feel lost momentum for broad organizational DEI engagement

    • Be unable to engage those that feel that DEI work is not for them

    • Have staff members reporting ‘required workshop burn out’

  • After these programs, organizations will:

    • Have momentum on action for sustained DEI

    • Have gained complementary tools to bias reduction and intervention to sustain DEI work at the individual level

    • Have adopted or developed best practices for team work

    • Have adopted or developed practices for policy development

    • Have established ERGs help sustain continued internal support and structure for future DEI program suggestions and feedback

We recommend asking your staff what they need and providing options including…

  • Policy Brainstorm Sessions

  • Conflict Styles Workshop

  • Exploration of Identity & Privilege Workshop

  • Wellness and Stress Assessment Workshops

  • ERG development (best for groups over 500)

  • Team Psychological Safety

Special Offer for Multi-Phase Engagements

Making a big commitment to a positive, inclusive culture is hard to do all at once, and it’s also hard to maintain momentum with a string of individual projects. If you’re ready to commit to making change in your organization with our support. We have a special offer for multi-phase engagements to help you assess need, prioritize initiatives, address training needs, and generate real organizational change.

Get 20% off engagement fees when you commit to transforming your organization with:

  • Organizational Climate Survey

  • Strategic Plan Development

  • Policy Development Lab Series

  • Two or More additional sessions of Unconscious Bias, Leadership, or Power Dynamics Labs.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Calico’s core values of being open, humble, curious, and fun - along with an emphasis on empiricism - have led us to an Agile working framework based on transparency, inspection, and adaptation. In alignment with these values, every client we work with gets individualized attention and inspectible increments leading up to engagements so that you can get the results you’re hoping for. We truly will go above and beyond to support your team’s needs because we are passionate about this work, so your success matters to us.

  • Yes! We’re always researching, reading, and talking to experts PLUS we use our pre-workshop assessments to make sure we’re keeping to relevant topics for our audience

  • Everyone has a role to play in growing a more inclusive community. Your experience is unique and we will make sure to understand your needs so that we can steward this process alongside you every step of the way.

  • We offer sliding scale pricing based on organization size and type.

  • We strongly recommend keeping attendance voluntary for any DEI training. Mandatory DEI or sexual violence and harassment training often backfires, resulting in ineffective training that increases hostility and distrust. For more on why, please review this Harvard Business Review article.

  • We often survey different audiences belonging to varied demographics and psychographics. QuestionPro provided us unmatched features to tailor our surveys to suit different types of audiences, collecting all the insights we need.