Trust and Repair

bearded man with dark hair in a bun, light brown colored skin on a stage. In the foreground are blurred out hands up and someone with long red hair

Published on: 11/5/2024

“I do not think the measure of a civilization is how tall its buildings of concrete are, but rather how well its people have learned to relate to their environment and fellow man.” 

-Sun Bear, Chippewa, founder Bear Tribe Medicine Society

Mending Relationships for a Collaborative Workplace

Workplaces are like any other space - there’s conflict - and that’s okay. What matters is what you do when things go awry. 

Nobody’s perfect, and we all make mistakes sometimes. When we hurt a colleague, how do we repair the relationship to ensure an understanding of mutual trust and respect? These workshops help leaders and staff repair relationships and inspire trust - which enables a more inclusive workplace and helps leaders and staff protect and enhance the productivity and collaboration of their teams.

In Calico’s 2-hour Trust & Repair Labs, you’ll work through real-life experiences in cohorts and have ample time for self-reflection and team-building exercises. 

It’s time to upgrade from “Uhhh, Sorry” to managing mistakes and conflict with empathy and grace. 


Power Dynamics 3-part Series


Change Management Labs