Calico Culture Strategies provides targeted support to teams and organizations creating workplaces that think differently about meaningful inclusion, seek impactful change, and relentlessly demand belonging that lasts.

Ready to go beyond the minimum? Let’s create a culture where your people and organization truly thrive.

As a leader, You Feel…

  • They typically don't lead to real change anyway! We work with organizations that are ready to go beyond the bare minimum, striving for meaningful and lasting impact.

  • We've all been there and what we've learned is that turning daily choices into a culture of belonging is difficult and worthwhile work. We're here to guide you in boldly cultivating a workplace where everyone feels valued and included.

  • As a well-intentioned leader, it's difficult to see your team so burnt out that they're unable to engage. We'll help you roll up your sleeves, gain momentum, and create an environment where everyone can belong.

  • You're not alone but that's where we combine our expertise with your motivation to help you move beyond talk to build supportive, inclusive workplaces where your people—and your business—can truly succeed.

Something resonating? Don’t fret – we’re ready to cultivate meaningful inclusion in the workplace and beyond!


Intentional Expert Support for Lasting Impact

  • Empower All

    Staff and leaders feel ready to prevent breakdowns and tackle issues with empathy.

  • Lead Well

    With your more inclusive culture, diverse hires will stick around and encourage others to join.

  • Take Action

    Make your impact last with actionable recommendations.

You’re on a path to meaningful belonging

It’s time to book a call

You’re on the road to improving the culture and employee experience at your organization. Schedule a call so we can gain an understanding of your journey and strategize together.

Your Checklist: not a checkbox

We create a customized experience for your team, working alongside you and other stakeholders to ensure our plans address your concerns and goals fully.

Implement and assess for impact

Although this work is ongoing, we’re here to meet. you where you are whether that’s by working in phases or taking on different challenges at once. We stick around to help you gauge and sustain your efforts.

About us

Co-founded and led by Dr. Linet Mera and Alexis Krohn, Calico Culture Strategies is Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed sed enim vel quam efficitur ultrices ut eu lorem. Aliquam non rutrum urna, eget imperdiet augue. In pharetra congue est, at euismod sapien tincidunt in. Nunc fermentum tellus augue, in euismod risus pulvinar id. Nullam tempus molestie finibus. Aliquam posuere convallis accumsan. Integer efficitur pretium porta.

We’re the experts in your corner providing guidance along your journey so you can focus on leading your organization.

Partnering with Calico

  • 80+

    Happy Partners

  • 100%

    Net Promoter Score

  • 50+

    Publications & Resources

Case Studies

There is a lot at stake when it comes to navigating feelings and people. We use our combined 16 years of experience to create programs that work so that you can make meaningful changes without feeling like thehy’re going to slip away the minute a training session ends.

Whether a project spans a few weeks or years, the proof is in the pudding.

Check out a couple of case studies below.

  • How to connect motivation with action on DEI when under-resourced.

    1. Become more equitable and inclusive

    2. Infuse DEI in how teams support 58 California county health and human services agencies.Description text goes here

  • Over the span of a three year partnership, we:

    • Increased confidence of CWDA leaders and staff with skill-building and bias intervention practice.

    • Facilitated 5+ year strategic plan development and implementation for lasting growth and impact.

    • Onboarded county agencies with client’s renewed focus on DEI with custom level-setting and culture-setting interactive work sessions and panel events at annual conference

  • How to connect motivation with action on DEI when under-resourced.

    1. Become more equitable and inclusive

    2. Infuse DEI in how teams support 58 California county health and human services agencies.Description text goes here

  • Over the span of a three year partnership, we:

    • Increased confidence of CWDA leaders and staff with skill-building and bias intervention practice.

    • Facilitated 5+ year strategic plan development and implementation for lasting growth and impact.

    • Onboarded county agencies with client’s renewed focus on DEI with custom level-setting and culture-setting interactive work sessions and panel events at annual conference




Ready to work?

We're excited that you're interested in working with us. Use this form to send us a general interest message.

If you’re ready to inquire for a more robust project, you can complete an extended version of this form here.